Rhus chinensis Mill. – Tittar (तित्तर)
Binomial name: Rhus chinensisFamily: Anacardiaceae (Cashew family)Synonyms: Rhus semialata, Rhus javanica var. chinensis, Rhus amelaCommon Name: Chinese Sumac, Chinese gall, Nutgall tree Local Name: Tittar (तित्तर) Tittar is a deciduous shrub or small tree that typically grows to a height of 5–8 meters. It thrives in warm-temperate and subtropical regions, often found on forest edges, hillsides,
Potentilla nepalensis Hook., Exot.- Dori Ghas (डोरी घास)
Family: Rosaceae (Rose family)Synonyms: Potentilla bicolor, Potentilla coccinea, Potentilla bifurcate, Potentilla nepalensis willmottiae, Potentilla willmottiae, Potentilla ‘Miss Wilmott’Common Name: Nepal cinquefoil.Local Name: Dori Ghas (डोरी घास) Dori Ghas is a perennial herbaceous plant well Known for its striking pink to reddish flowers and adaptability to diverse climates. It is a native of the Himalayan region found predominantly in
Cornus capitata Wall. in Roxb- Dharyambal (धर्यामब्ल), Thalma.
Family: Cornaceae (Dogwood family)Synonyms: Benthamia fragifera, Benthamidia capitata, Dendrobenthamia capitata, Benthamia capitata, Cynoxylon capitatumCommon Name: Bentham’s cornel, evergreen dogwood, Himalayan flowering dogwood, and Himalayan strawberry tree.Local Name: Dharyambal (धर्यामब्ल) ,Thalma. Thamia, Bhamora, Guldhara, Gulna. Dharyambal, a deciduous or evergreen small tree native to the Himalayan region and parts of
Sparassis crispa (Wulfen) Fr.- Bakra (बकरा)
Family: Sparassidaceae. Synonym: Clavaria crispa, Manina crispa, Masseeola crispa, Sparassis radicata.Common name: Cauliflower fungus, wood cauliflower mushroomLocal Name: Bakra (बकरा), Ban bakri Bakra is a wild edible mushroom of Western Himalayas widely distributed all over the temperate zone ranging from 1800 to 2800m. It is commonly seen growing from the roots or bases of trees primarily under hardwoods–especially oaks–but occasionally reported under
Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer. -Fri (फरि)
Family: Agaricaceae Synonym: Agaricus annulatus var. annulatus; A. annulatus var. excoriates; A. antiquatus; A. colubrinus; A. procerus; A. squamosus; Amanita procera; Mastocephalus procerus; Leucocoprinus procerus; Macrolepiota olivascens.Common name: Parasol MushroomLocal Name: Fri (फरि) Fri is a large, edible fungus widely distributed across hill of Western Himalayas above an altitude of 1500m. Renowned for its impressive size, delicate flavour and distinctive appearance, it is
Termitomyces spp.- Tatmor (टटमोर)
Family: LyophyllaceaeCommon Name: Termite FungusLocal Name: Tatmor (टटमोर) Tatmor is a wild edible mushroom found in the Western Himalayas, emerging during the rainy season in forests, grasslands, and cultivated fields. This mushroom has a unique symbiotic relationship with termites, particularly those from the subfamily Macrotermitinae. These termites cultivate the fungus in specialized structures
Viburnum grandiflorum Wall. ex DC.-Klaene (कल्लैने)
Family: Viburnaceae Synonyms: Viburnum foetens, Solenotinus nervosus, Viburnum foetens Decne.,Viburnum grandiflorum f. foetens.Common Name: Grand Viburnum, Himalayan Viburnum, cranberry bush, flowering viburnum, grand viburnum.Local Name: Klaene (कल्लैने), Tilhanj (In Chamba HP) Klaene, commonly known as the Himalayan Viburnum, is a perennial deciduous shrub or small tree native to the temperate regions of the Western Himalayas. It is widely distributed across
Solena amplexicaulis (Lam.) Gandhi- Ban Kakri (बनकाकड़ी), Koudi kakri (कौड़ीकाकड़ी).
Family: Cucurbitaceae (Pumpkin family)Common name: Creeping cucumberSynonyms: Bryonia amplexicaulisz, Bryonia heterophylla, Bryonia solena, Cucurbita sagittate, Harlandia bryonioides, Juchia hastata, Karivia amplexicaulis, Karivia sinuosa, Melothria amplexicaulis, Momordica heterophylla, Momordica tubulosa, Zehneria filiformis.Local Name: Ban Kakri (बन काकड़ी), Koudi kakri (कौड़ी काकड़ी), तरली Tarali. Ban Kakri is a perennial herbaceous vine commonly seen growing in scrub forests, roadsides and borders of crop fields
Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton- Stanganu (सतान्ग्नु), Bhanjira, Ban tulsi
Family: LamiaceaeSynonyms: Melissa maxima, Mentha perilloides, Ocimum frutescens, Perilla albiflora, Perilla avium, Perilla ocimoides, Perilla shimadae, Perilla urticifolia.Common Name: Perilla, ShisoLocal Name: Stanganu (सतान्ग्नु) Bhanjira, Ban tulsi Stanganu is an erect, often profusely branched, annual to perennial aromatic plant of Western Himalayas. It is commonly seen growing along roadsides, pathways, home-sites and in waste places between an altitude of 600
Solidago virgaurea L.-Pinja phool (पिंजा फूल )Chui-ghas.
Family: AsteraceaeSynonyms:Aster minutus,Aster virgaurea,Dectis decurren,Doria virgaurea,Solidago alpestris,Solidago armena,Solidago cambrica,Solidago cantoniensis,Solidago caucasica,Solidago corsica,Solidago dahurica,Solidago gebleri,Solidago insularis,Solidago jailarum,Solidago japonica,Solidago lapponica,Solidago lapponica stenophylla,Solidago macrorrhiza,Solidago minor,Solidago minuta,Solidago nudiflora,Solidago pygmaea,Solidago stenophylla,Solidago talyschensis,Solidago taurica,Solidago turfosa,Solidago vulgaris.Common Name: Himalayan GoldenrodLocal Name-Pinja phool,पिंजा फूल )Chui-ghas , Pinja phool is a herbaceous perennial plant of Western Himalays that can grow up to 60cm tall. It is an easily growing plant, that can succeeds well in any moderately