Explore, create, and leave behind a legacy that inspires others. Join us on Bifocal Naturalist video podcast by Mrs Vijaya Chakravarty
Government Vallabh College Mandi’s Botany Department Partners with RCFCNR-1 NMPB to Advance Medicinal Plant Conservation in Himachal Pradesh (31-12-2024)
The Botany Department of Government Vallabh College Mandi has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Regional-cum-Facilitation Centre for North Region-1 (RCFCNR-1) under the National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB). This partnership aims to promote the conservation, cultivation, and sustainable use of medicinal plants in Himachal Pradesh.The collaboration is set to unlock new opportunities for students, researchers, and local communities by fostering awareness, facilitating innovative research, and enabling practical applications of medicinal plant resources.
An article on Nettle has been published in prestigious Giriraj! 🌱 .(25-31 Dec, 2024)
Delivered a lecture on Reviving Wild Edible Plants For Health and Sustainability at GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE), Mohal, Kullu, during a Regional Workshop cum Three-Day Training Program on “Sustaining Ecosystems: A Path to Resource Security and Resilience.” (13 Dec, 2024)

Cultivating Resilience: NIHE’s Workshop Charts a Path to Sustainability in Kullu Valley.
An article in The Tribune regarding importance of growing native app in forlanes (Dated 6th Dec.2024) .
Articles regarding Nettle Soup was published in Anant Gyan Newspaper dated 2nd Dec,2024.
Excursion Tour to Thirteen Valley for Botany Students of B.Sc.1st year.
Botany Department celebrated World Food Day on 26 Oct, 2024.
Articles regarding Right to food published in editorial page Anant Gyan Newspaper.
Articles regarding sustainable utilisation of wild food plants were published on occasion of Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day, 2024.
Preservation of medicinal plants through religious belief.
Promoting local seller.
🌿An article published in Anant Gyan Newspaper for Boosting Tourism with Traditional Culinary Food Plants 🌱
🌿🌺 Engaging youth and joining hands with Mahila Mandal and SHGs in our plantation drives is a step towards a greener, more sustainable future. Their active involvement not only promotes greenery but also ensures the long-term survival of the plants. Together, we can nurture our environment and empower our communities. Let’s grow and thrive together! 🌳🌏
Presented a research article in Hindi atG. B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment- Himachal Regional Centre Mohal-Kullu Kullu 175126. Himachal Pradesh India.
An editorial is published in newspaper Anant Gyan! 📜 In this piece, I delve into the diverse leaves used for making eco-friendly leaf plates, celebrating traditional practices and their benefits for health and sustainability. Let’s embrace nature and move towards a greener future! 🌱
An article on Portulaca has been published in this week’s prestigious Giriraj! Discover its rich history and amazing health benefits. 🌱 .(31 July- 6 Aug)
Plantation Drive 2024
Newspaper article related to effectiveness of Moringa & Opuntia ficus-indica in treating polluted water.
Awarded certificate of Health Promotor after completing a 10 -day Detox camp and passing the exam conducted by Sant Hirdaram Yoga and Nature cure Hospital.
News related to eco-friendly water treatment solution for remote areas of Himachal Pradesh India, published in prestigious newspaper Denik Jagaran.
News related to cooling effects of Giloye (Tinospora cordifolia) based on clinical trials published in Amar ujala a leading newspaper of Himachal Prdesh India.
Interaction with a innovative entrepreneur from Mandi HP India using forest waste to create best.
Delivered a keynote address in a Seminar on Historical Prospective of Indian Medicinal Plants dated 10 May,2024.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was singed between Forest Research and Training and Degree College Mandi Botany Department to creates valuable opportunities for students and Faculty members. This collaboration offers enhanced access to research facilities, expert guidance from forest scientists, and practical field training, fostering hands-on experience in forestry and environmental studies.
New article on popular traditional food plants of Mandi HP in Weekly Newspaper Giriraj ( 17 – 23,April. 2024 edition)
An write-up on role of wild food plants in global food security was published in Himachal Tribune, Dated 22 April , 2024 (World Earth day )
Awareness to local vegetable seller for Sustainable Harvesting.
Forgotten flavours of HP.
Explore the diverse flavor in Himachal Tribune’s recent feature ( 30th March, 24) Himachal’s forgotten food sheding light on the region’s rich culinary heritage, showcasing traditional dishes and ingredients overlooked by modern trends.
Delivered an online invited talk titled ““जंगली खाद्य पौधों की स्वास्थ्य और ग्रामीण समृद्धि में भूमिका” organised by संस्कृति उत्थान न्यास, हिमाचल प्रान्त on 21 March, 2024
Promotion and awareness for healthy food in International Shivratri Fair of Mandi.HP.
The News Radar Placed among Five Mandi’s Meticulous.on International Women day,2024
A write-up has been published in the esteemed Samarika publication, marking the occasion of the International Shivratri Fair 2024.
Providing access to resources like fruits and vegetable processing units can indeed make a significant difference in the lives of women who are engaged in wild food processing and value addition..With such initiatives, women can become entrepreneurs and contribute to their families With Rise-Up Mandi helped women to buy the machine on International Women Day 2024.. A great step towards women empowerment.
RCFC Jogindernagar (Regional Center Falicitating 7 North Indian states) to honor women who are excelling in medicinal plant sector, especially on International Women’s Day. The workshop and training program provide an excellent platform for stakeholders to connect and share experiences.It’s inspiring stories. Organized an exhibition on wild food plants and food items with two students and a SHG representative Shri Sumitra Devi. Delivered a invited talk on medicinal wild food plants and recieved honor for for promoting cultivation, value addition and marketing of wild food plants.
A research article on Wild Edible Succulents in Hindi got published in Binneal Newsletter HIMA PARYAVARAN released by GBPant ‘National Institute of Himalayan Environment'(NIHE)
Glimpses of research paper presentation in 12th Biennial conference of INSEE
Starting a herbal garden in an Anganwadi school with student involvement is a fantastic initiative that can provide numerous benefits to the students and the community as a whole. Here are some glimpse how we are working for this
- Recipe for Nutritious Healthy Homemade Noodles.
Sunday Talk
Awareness for healthy food to NSS students of GSS Schol Nanawa
Leaf plate project to promote environment friendly vocational education/
An article on Fagopyrum esculentum- Phaphra ( Buckwheat )published in Giriraj weekly dated 1 to 8 th Nov,23
An article on Wild Edible Fig Published in weekly column the Spectrum of English newspaper The Tribune dated 22 Oct,2023
Promotion of Traditional food and wild herbs part-3
Promotion of Traditional food and wild herbs part-2
Article published in Giriraj weekly dated 13 to 19 September, 2023 regarding role of wild food plants in culinary tourism development.
Promotion of Traditional food and wild herbs part-1
Received National Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Teachers Award 2023 at Bhiwani from Yuva Jagriti Evam Jan Kalyan Mission Trust Bhiwani.
Promotion of Herbal Cultivation in India.
It was a matter of great pride and pleasure for me to share my experiences in Live Chat Show hosted by #DD Shimla.This Chat show was to aware general public about use of Wild Food Plants.A special thanks to entire DD Shimla team.
Interaction with local seller (Seasonal vegetable) of Mandi HP )
Awareness & distribution of plants to students of GSSS Pandol On International Yoga Day,2023
Some Glimpses of World Environment Day 2023 organized by DEST HP.India

Exhibition of Wild Food Items(Processed & Value added) during a conference on sustainable livelihood promotion.
Article in Focus Himachal regarding wild food plants.
Article published in Giriraj weekly dated 17 to 23 May, 2023 regarding edible uses and economic potential of Boerhavia diffusa.
Religious & Medicinal Uses of Plah
Edible uses of Tinospora cordifolia
Article published in Giriraj weekly dated 5 th April ,to 12 April 2023 regarding edible uses and economic potential of Bauhinia variegata.
Eat Wild Vegetable for better health and rural prosperity
Domestication of some high valued rare & endangered plants of Western Himalayas by engaging young minds.

Awareness for sustainable harvesting of medicinal wild food plants

Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India.

Awareness for domestication of Mountain Yam as a commercial crop in Tribune dated 8th Jan,2023
News regarding a new recipe of herbal tea ( Amla lukhat tea) published in Dainik Jagran dated 28th December. 2022.
Article published in Giriraj weekly dated 14 to 20 Dec. 2022 regarding edible uses of Stellaria media..
Interaction with members of Self-Help Groups and Mahila mandal ( women association ) of Duhan Devi area regarding sustainable use and harvesting of wild food plants.
Article published in Giriraj weekly dated 9 to 15 Nov, 2022 regarding a multipurpose plant of Western Himalays Aesculus indica.
Article published in Sages chronicles (Magazine September issue ) aboutKalanchoe pinnata
Article published in Himachal News on dated 29 th Sept, 2022 on edible uses of Euphorbia royleana
Initiated first Herbal Garden at DAVCPS Mandi. Herbal garden at school will will help to conserve our traditional knowledge and connect youngster to our traditional health care system.
Article published in Giriraj weekly dated 14 Sep to 21 Sept. 2022 regarding edible uses of Kalanchoe pinnata.
Amar-ujala 4 Sep, 2022 : Detailed information regarding Himachati traditional dishes.
News published in Amar-ujala (1 Sep, 2022) related to value addition of Sepu-badi a traditional dish of Mandi HP India with addition of Kalanchoe pinnata and Euphorbia hirta.
Tree plantation during Van Mahotsav -2022 at Devdhar Mandi HP along with students and forest department,
Article published in Sages chronicles (Magazine July-August Edition) about Euphorbia hirta .
Delivered an invited talk during refresher course on Traditional Knowledge & Ethics at UGC- HRDC Shimla on topic titled as “Traditional value of Medicinal Wild Food Plants” ( Dated; 22th July, 2022.)
Tree plantation during Van Mahotsav -2022 at Nasloh Mandi HP along with students and forest department.
Interaction with local community nearby Talyahar regarding sustainable use and harvesting of wild food plants.
Presented a research article in Hindi at national level Workshop on employment potential in Himalayan region to organized by GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Technology to promote national language Hindi.
Interview on medicinal wild food plants
Dr Dharam Paul Ji honored my work on wild food plantd by by dedicating his 65th book to me.
Article published in Amarujala dated 18th June, 22 for awareness of edible & medicinal uses of Hedychium coronarium
Article published in Sages chronicles (Magazine May Edition)about Opuntia dillenii.
Environment Day 2022 celebrated by display of items prepared from waste material (Best from Waste) and exhibition of Ethnobotanical collection as Biodiversity for Human Welfare.
Awareness for healthy food by students of Ethnobotany in Eat Right Fair (30 May, 2022) organized by health department .
Contributed 42 Wild food plants in 15 photo frames to Himachal Darshan photo art gallery, museum & Library containing photo & traditional items of all religion, places of natural beauty, culture, architect. These frames are displayed for awareness to tourists, visitors , students and common man (2022) .
Book review published in The Tribune
Article published in Tourism Magazine The Travelers Trails: for awareness and promotion of wild food plants 2022)
Guided Miss Bhavana Kumari of BSc 3rd year to start a small scale nursery of wild edible endangered species for conservation, distribution and selling purpose under her inspire project.(She grew wild rose & endangered plants of high altitude in her nursery),
Awareness to Anganwadi Workers for use of wild food plants during Poshan Pakhwada celebration.
New article about Rhododendron arboreum tea in Amarujala 13 March, 22.
Delivered a key note lecture on ” Wild edible tubers of NW Hiamayan region ” To faculty, students and research scholars of Department of Plant Sciences, School of Life Sciences, CUHP

Organised a Work shop for the women farmers of Sadar Block in association with RCFC, NMPB Joginder Nagar for cultivation, value addition and marketing of Medicinal Plants.
Delivered an invited online lecture on the occassion of National Science Day (28 Feb, 2022) for the students of Biodiversity Studies BGSB UNIVERSITY Rajouri (J&K)
Awareness program at Govt. Girls. S.S.School Mandi for Healthy Food
Awareness program at G.S.S.School Sadyana for students of Vocational Course Tourism regarding promotion of Wild Culinary Tourism and manging plastic waste for sustainable Himalayas (23 Feb, 2022).
New article about Asculus indica published in Dainik Jagran on dated 21 Feb, 2022.
Presented My Book on Wild Food Plants to Governor of Himachal Pradesh. Sh. Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar ji during his visit to SVPCU Mandi.
Rise- Up Foundation Mandi Donated a High-Tech Knitting Machine For Women of Ritik Self-Help Group.
New article in ‘Giriraj’ HP. India for awareness and cultivation of Hedychium spicatum: a threatened medicinal plants of Mandi Himachal Pradesh, North Western Himalayas.( 09 Feb. to 15 Feb, 2022)
Awareness programme to members of Laxmi SHG & Mahila mandal Sumaru for sustainable use wild food plants.
Awareness programme & Lohri celebration at orphanage Talyhar by Vallabhian Rotract Mandi (Vallabhvian Rotract Mandi celebrated famous local festival Lohri of North India by awaring children regarding local flora and best from waste.)
Encouraged woman of various SHG of Mandi area to participate & sell their local traditionally processed wild food items in exhibition organised by DEST HP.
Participated in Climate Change Conclave -2021 organised by DEST HP India as a expert delegate. on 18th Dec. 2021.
Delivered an invited talk on health & Hygiene with wild food plants for sports person of HP during state youth leadership program.

Article for promotion of Domestication & utilization of Myrica esculenta Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don- Kaphal (काफल) i Amar Ujala on 16 Nov,2021,.

Received Honor from Indian National Trust for Arts & Cultural Heritage Chapter Mandi for Conservation of Traditional Knowledge on Wild Food Plants on 14 Nov,2021.

Campus beautification & Tree plantation in SVPC University Mandi by Rotaract Vallabhains

Cleaning of waterbodies of village Panjehti HP India by Rotaracts on occasion of Gandhi Jayanti.

Installation of Rotaract Vallabhian Club for engaging youth in environment conservation & community welfare sevices.

Conservation of biodiversity through sacred activities.
Received FSIA- Real Super Woman Award 2021
Meeting with presidents of 40 Self Help Groups of Mandi area for discussion to improve their working capacity and marketing opportunities

Exposure Visit of Students of MSc 2nd Sam Botany Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University Mandi to natural Oil Distillation Unit.

To include medicinal food in our lifestyle is need of hour.
Received honour from DIG Madhusudan Sharma Ji as a Corona WarriorOn 23 Foundation Day Celebration of ABVP.

Extension work with Kiran SHG of Kotli, Mandi. HP India

Extension Work With Members of NRLM Self-Help Group.

Medicinal plant demonstration by Students of SVPCU Mandi on occasion of World Environment Day
Tree plantation on occasion of World Environment Day 2021.Theme of World Environment day 2021 is Ecosystem restoration.
Glimpses of Book on Wild Food Plants released by Honorable CM Jairam Thakurji of HP.
Received Special Jury Mention in Indian Biodiversity Award 2021 in Sustaianble Use of Biological Resources Individaul Category.

New article for community awareness in Govt. weekly Giriraj:

New article in ‘Giriraj’ HP. India ( 14 April to 21 April, 2021)

An Impressive traditional knowledge sharing with demonstration of local medicinal and edible plants by Sumitra Sen President of 150 SHG from Talyahar (Mandi District of HP. India ).
A healthy interaction with Panchayat representative, members of different SHG and Mahila Mandal of Gram Panchayat Lambathach regarding sustainable use and cultivation of Wild Food Plants.
Sustainable use of resources is to use resources optimally presently and to keep them available for future use. For this you need to think sustainability, act sustainability and behave sustainability. Most important to teach and aware young minds for this by being a role modal or practically opting sustainability in day to day lifestyle with this motto involved worders of girls hostel of Vallabh Government College Mandi HP in Best from Waste management activity, Where we reuse plastic waste that is broken dustbins available in college campus to plant some wild plants and Thuja sp. Hope this exercise will motivate these young women to to better in future in their domestics, personal and professional space.
It’s useless to be known as a botanist without field experience. Happy to plant some multipurpose plant in Part~ Time Campus of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Cluster University Mandi. Most exciting part is all planting material is from nursery of Vallabh Government College Mandi which started 2 years back for first hand experience to the students of nursery and gardening a skill enhancement course.
On opening ceremony of famous International Shivratri Fair of Himachal Pradesh my book titled as ‘An Illustrated Guide To Some Wild Growing Food Plants of Sub- Himalayan region “, is released by Honorable CM Of HP Shi Jai Ram Thakur Ji. This book contains illustration as well as important information regarding local name & common names, parts used, season of availability and recipes prepared from 100 wild growing food plants of Sub-Himalayan region . It will act as a Field Guide and will be helpful to Students, Researchers, Educationist, Forester, Agriculturalist, Horticulturist and even for common people.

Received Special Jury Mention in Indian Biodiversity Award 2021 in Sustaianble Use of Biological Resources Individaul Category.

New article in ‘Giriraj’ HP. India on Yellow flex ( 3 March, 2021)

Interaction with members of Adarsh Mahila Mandal Panjehti for sustainable use of wild food plants

Interaction with members of Adarsh Mahila Mandal Panjehti for sustainable use of wild food plants
Presentation to show “Wild Edibles Plants Potential for Rural Economic prosperity” in front of #AFD mission team, Mr. Ankit Tulsyan, (AFD project manager) from #France, officials of #FTI #Sundernagar & members of SHG group for mission Securing Rural Livelihood through Biodiversity conservation at FTI ( Forest training institute) Sundernagar.

New article in ‘Denik Jagran’ HP. India on nettle ( 15 Dec, 2020) .

Interaction with members of Pryerna Mahila Mandal of Nalhog area of Distt.Mandi HP for sustainable use and cultivation of wild food plants
New article on Wild edible plant Seena tora in HP Government Weekly Newspaper Giriraj ( 02- 09 Dec, 2020 edition)

Promotion of nettle selling in Himachal Pradesh.
First step in promotion of wild food plants as a means of income generation and entrepreneurship development by selling of koogas (Nettle) dried leaves. Koogas (Urtica dioica & parviflora) dried leaves can be sold at the price of Rs 150/kg and stems at the price of Rs 13 /kg. Koogas grows luxuriantly in Himachal Pradesh and normally considered as a weed to be removed. Its leaves and stem can be used as a food, medicine and in extraction of fiber and chlorophyll. Koogas is rich in food and medicinal value also. Its marketing will be an easy source of earning money for local people because unlike traditional cropping, there is no need of its cultivation and care. As above ground plant parts are usually harvested, so there will be no fear of extinction. Only a special care is needed during its harvesting and drying. Till now this plant is highly neglected, but has tremendous potential in entrepreneurship development. So, it needs to be commercially utilized and entered in our food plate.
Benefits of Planting a Tree
Sacred plant play important role in conservation.
Awareness for commercial use of will edible plants and their distribution for domestication and for ensuring sustainable harvesting and development.
A new book titled ‘SOME WILD EDIBLE PLANTS OF WESTERN HIMALYAYS VOLUME-II’ is published and available both as e-book or paper book on Amazon Kindle store

Received honour from Rural Development, Panchayati Raj , Agriculture, AH and Fisheries Minister of HP Shri. Virender Kanwar ji for contribution in preparing PBR.

Moringa oleifera raised in nursery of Vallabh Goverment College Mandi for distribution and mass cultivation with the participation of Self Help Groups.

New article in a local newspaper ‘Denik Jagran’ of HP. India on 12 th September, 2020.

Multidisciplinary approach of ethnobotany with special reference to HP India
A documentary on People’s Biodiversity Register of Sundernagar Block, District Mandi Himachal Pradesh India.
This documentary highlights the glimpses of PBR preparation of 52 panchayats of Sundernagar Block of distt. Mandi, sharing of information and documentation of traditional knowledge from members of various SHG, Mahila Mandal, Vaidya, Perist and local people of Sundernagar area.
Interaction with members of Self Help Group in Keran village of Bhanwad Panchyat of Sundernagar district Mandi Himachal Pradesh for promoting use and sustainable harvesting of wild edible plants and opting them as a mean of livelihood and entrepreneurship on 5th August 2020 .

3 minutes presentation for summer research training program on topic “Role of wild food plants in rural prosperity
Himalayan Wild Food Plants Part-llI
Resource person for People’s Biodiversity Register training program of Gohar block at BDO office Gohar Distt.Mandi H.P. on 29th July 2020.

Himalayan Wild Food Plants Part-ll
Himalayan Wild Food Plants Part -1
Interaction with women of Gram Panchayat Bhanwar at Sundernagar District Mandi HP India for awareness of wild food plants.
Resource person for People’s Biodiversity Register training program of Sundernagar block at BDO office Sundernagar Distt.Mandi H.P. on 21 July 2020.

Resource person for People’s Biodiversity Register training program of Balh block at BDO office Mandi, Sadar Mandi & Balh, Nerchowk Distt.Mandi H.P. on 18th and 20th July 2020.


Domestication of wild edible delicious vegetables Dioscorea bellophylla -Tardee.
This wild vegetables is a seasonal delicacy and known to have high market value.Usually it is sold in late winter or spring season.A variety of food preparation can be made with its airel bulbils and underground tuber.Tuber go very deep in soil,so its harvesting is problematic and time consuming. For ensuring sustainable and easy harvesting its domestication need to be promoted among masses.With this objective seeds were distributed to a few members of Gutkar SHG District Mandi Himachal Pradesh. Tardee grow as a vine and can be planted in pots.clay or plastic waste container in limited space.even in cities.Its large cultivation and marketing will be helpful for socio-economic upliftment of local people of Himalayan region
Awareness for domestication and use of Opuntia dillenii under the Student For Development #SelfieWithHerbalPlants initiative.
Online presentation for students of Indira Gandhi National Open University through Facebook IGNOU page regarding promotion of wild food plants, their sustainable use and harvesting.
A new article published in Himachal Tribune on role of wild edible in rural prosperity on dated 14 March, 2020.

One day workshop on Mushroom cultivation techniques for skill enhancement.

Awareness program on sustainable development or Eco-Club students of Vallabh Government Mandi.

Interaction with school children for awareness regarding sustainable harvesting and use of Wild Food Plants.

New article about Euphorbia hirta published in Government Newspaper of Himachal Pradesh Giriraj on dated 12 February, 2020.

An Invitation for Invited Talk on Role of Wild Edible Food Plants In Rural Prosperity.

Promoting sustainable harvesting and use of Wild growing food plant by intersecting with members of women group ( Mahila Mandal of village Bada Gaon.

Interaction with members of Self Help Group in a village of Tehsil Padhar of district Mandi Himachal Pradesh for promoting use and sustainable harvesting of wild edible plants and opting them as a mean of livelihood and entrepreneurship .

New article about Urtica dioca published in The Tribune on dated 14 December, 2019.

Interaction with the members of Self Help Group in Village Maghawadh of Tehsil Jogindernagar, District Mandi of Himachal Pradesh for promotion of wild edible food. Members were encouraged to use wild edible as raw and after value addition for income generation.

A news paper article published in Tribune, dated 23 Nov,2019 along with Dr Chiranjit Parmar about edible uses of Euphorbia royleana.

An educational tour to botanical garden maintained by Indian Institute of Technology Kamand with students of Bio-Sciences.Such type of tour refresh students, connect these young minds to nature along with providing first hand learning experience.

A newspaper article on Dioscorea bellophylla published in Divya Himachal on 5th Oct,2019.

An excursion tour of Ethnobotany and Eco-club students to Forest Research Training Division Davidarh for collection and demonstration of medicinal plants.

Tree plantation program with borders of girls hostel,members of Eco-club and student organisation.500 students actively involved in planting of 4000 species of Syzygium, Phyllanthus, Punica, Prunus and Quercus at and around newly constructed Helipad of District Mandi Himachal Pradesh.

Organised an International conference on “Natural Resource Management for Socio-economic development of Western Himalayas; opportunities and challenges” is being Organised by Vallabh Government College, Mandi (H.P.) from 10 to 12 August,2019.

Article on wild edible (Dioscorea spp. ) published in Giriraj dated 17th Aug,2019.

News on 11 August, Newspaper.

News in 1 August, Amarujala Newspaper.

Article on wild edible (Traxacum officinale ) published in Giriraj on dated 7th Aug,2019.

Article on wild edible (Lingad ) published in Giriraj on dated 27th June,2019.

Article on wild edible (Dioscorea spp. ) published in Amarujala on dated 7th June,2019.

Article on wild edible (Pyrus pashia-कैन्थ ) published in Giriraj on dated 8th May,2019.

Organised a National level Interdisciplinary workshop on Nursery and Gardening techniques from 14th May to 21st May 2019.

Article on wild edible (Nasturtium officinale – Chhooch ) published in Giriraj 5th March, 2019 and Shabdmanch on Dated 1st April,2019

Article on wild edible medicinal plants published in Shabdmanch on Dated Giriraj 24th February, 2019.

Artilcle on wild edible(Reinwardtia indica – Peenyan) published in Divya Himachal on Dated 24th February, 2019

Artilcle on wild edible(Dioscorea spp.)published in Divya Himachal on Dated 6th January, 2019

Artilcle on wild edible(Medicago polymorphia – Khokhna,Stellaria media – Padyaala) published in Divya Himachal on Dated 30th December, 2019