Phanera vahlii (Wight & Arn.) Benth- Taur (टौर)
Family: Fabaceae Synonyms: Bauhinia racemosa, Bauhinia vahlii.Common Name: Maloo Creeper, bauhinia climber, camel’s foot climberLocal Name: Taur (टौर) Taur is a vigorous, gigantic, evergreen climbing shrub able to grow into the tops of the trees in the forest with the help of tendrils. It is usually seen growing in sunny
Carissa spinarum L.- Garnae (गरने), Kharanu, Khirni.
Family: ApocynaceaeSynonyms: Antura edulis,Jasminonerium ovatum, Carissa obovate, Carissa pilosa, Carissa opaca, Carissa ovata, Carissa hirsute, Carissa macrophylla.Carissa diffusaCommon Name: Wild KarandaLocal Name: Garnae (गरने), Kharanu. Khirni Garnae is a perennial spiny, evergreen shrub or small tree found in dry deciduous forest. It is frequently seen growing in thickets, roadsides, pathways,
Tagetes minuta.L- Jangali- genda (जंगली गेंदा). Ujadae
Family: Asteraceae Synonyms: Tagetes glandulifera, Tagetes glandulosa Common Name: Wild marigold, Muster-John-Henry Local Name: Jangali- genda (जंगली गेंदा). Ujadae Jangali- genda is an erect strongly aromatic, annual herb growing wild up to an altitude of 3000 m in Western Himalayas. It is very common in moist and dry slopes along
Digera muricata (L.) Mart.- Latmahuria (लतमहूरीया)
Family: Amaranthaceae Synonyms: Digera arvensis, Digera alternifolia, Desmochaeta alternifolia, Achyranthes muricate, Achyranthes alternifolia Common name: False amaranth Local Name: Latmahuria (लतमहूरीया) Latmahuria is an annual herb, growing to 20-70 cm tall as a common weed. It can be seen growing wild in moist places, waste areas, disturbed sites and as
Momordica balamina L.- Van Krela (वन करेला), Glakdi.
Family: CucurbitaceaeSynonyms: Momordica involucrate, Momordica schinzii Common Name: Balsam Pear, Balsam Apple, African cucumber, Southern balsam pear.Local Name: Van Krela (वन करेला), Glakdi. Van Krela is a wild growing tendril-bearing annual vine of Western Himalayas arising from a tuberous perennial rootstock. It is seen growing in sunny and semi-shaded locations with rich
Myrica esculenta Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don- Kaphal (काफल)
Family: MyricaceaeSynonymous: Myrica farquhariana, Morella esculenta. Myrica integrifolia, Myrica nagi, Myrica sapida.Common Name: BayberryLocal Name: Kaphal (काफल) Kaphal is a medium to large sized woody evergreen tree, frequently seen growing in pine forests of Western Himalayas. It is found wild in open or mixed forests, on mountain slopes and roadsides at
Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. – Baer (बेर) Brari.
Family: RhamnaceaeSynonyms: Paliurus mairei, Rhamnus jujube, Rhamnus mauritiana, Ziziphus jujube, Ziziphus jujube, Ziziphus rotundata, Ziziphus tomentosa Common Name: Indian JujubeLocal Name: Baer (बेर), Brari. Baer is a fast growing, spiny shrub or tree with a spreading crown. It is commonly found growing in slopes along roadsides, pathways, forests, thickets, riverbanks,
Cannabis sativa L.- Bhang (भांग ), Begya
Family: CannabaceaeSynonyms: Cannabis indica, Cannabis ruderalis।Common Name: Hemp, Indian HempLocal Name: Bhang (भांग), Begya Bhang is an erect, branched and aromatic annual to perennial herbs of Western Himalaya. It is frequently seen growing in wastelands, roadsides, pathways and nearby habitations up to an altitude of 3000 m . Bhang prefers
Asparagus filicinus Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don- Sansarbuti (संसरबूटी)
Family: AsparagaceaeSynonyms: Asparagus qinghaiensis, Protasparagus filicinus.Common Name: Fern AsparagusLocal Name: Sansarbuti (संसरबूटी) Sansarbuti is a perennial herb of Western Himalaya. It is commonly seen growing in forests, thickets, roadsides, pathways and hill slopes, in shady and moist places from 2200 m to 3000 m elevation in Western Himalyas. Young shoot,
Avena fatua L.- Bhulhare (भुलहारे)
Family: Poaceae Synonyms: Avena occidentalis, Avena ambigua, Avena japonica, Avena intermedia, Avena nigra, Avena Pilosa Common Name: Wild Oats Local Name: Bhulhare(भुलहारे) Bhulhare is an annual widespread weed of Western Himalaya. It is commonly seen growing in cultivated land and other waste places upto an altitude of 2000 m and