Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng.- Gandhelu (गंधेलू) Mitha neem, Gandhla, Gandhela.
Family: Rutaceae Synonymy: Bergera koenigii Common Name: Curry Leaf Local name: Gandhelu (गंधेलू), Mitha neem, Gandhla, Gandhela Gandhelu is a small evergreen shrub or tree with pungent foliage. Gandhelu is very easily growing plant commonly seen growing up to an altitude of 1500 m above the sea level. It grows best in
Arisaema tortuosum – (Wall.) Schott.- Kedae ki chhali (कीड़े की छली).Ban chhali
Family: Araceae (Arum Family) Synonym: Arisaema curvatum, Arum tortuosum Common Name: Cobra flower Local Name: Kadae ki chhali (कीड़े की छली), Ban chhali Kedae ki chhali is a perennial herb found growing in a wide range of climatic zones ranging from the warm foothills right up to cold, winter frost
Solanum virginianum L.- Chhoti Kateri (छोटी कटेरी), Choti- kanadyai
Family: Solanaceae Synonym(s): Solanum surattense Solanum.armatum Solanum.xanthocarpumCommon name(s): kantakari, Surrattense nightshadeLocal name: Chhoti Kateri (छोटी कटेरी),, Choti- kanadyai Chhoti kateri is an erect or creeping herbaceous perennial plant, occasionally found in waste places, roadsides, degraded forest, open space, wet places, moist soil, damp area and in watersheds, up to an
Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott- Jangli kachalu (जंगली कचालू ) Ubad Kachalu.
Family: AraceaSynonym: Colocasia antiquorumCommon name: Taro Local name: Jangli kachalu (जंगली कचालू) Ubad Kachalu. Jangli kachalu is an evergreen, perennial plant, usually grows in wet fields, near the banks of ponds, streams and rivers in wild habitat. It is a very important, staple food crop in many parts of the
Portulaca oleracea L- Kulpha (कुलफा)
Family: Portulacaceae Synonym: Portulaca consanguinea Common name(s): Common purslane, verdolaga, red root, or parsley Local name: Kulpha (कुलफा) Kulpha is a annual succulent potherb of waste ground, garden, roadside, cultivated fields and wall margins It is grown as a common weed and found upto an altitude of 1700 in Western Himalaya. Kulpha
Prunus persica (L.)Batsch. – Aaru, (आरू), Aadu,Phuniyee aaru
Family: RosaceaeSynonym: Persica vulgaris,Amygdalus persica.Common name: Peach, Flowering Peach, Ornamental Peach, Common PeachLocal Name: Aaru, (आरू), Aadu, Phuniyee aaru. Aaru is deciduous fast-growing tree of Western Himalayas found upto an altitude of 2500 m. It is seen growing in woodland, sunny edges of hills and dappled shady areas, Aaru is also cultivated
Prunus mira Koehne – Chulli (चुल्ली)
Family: Rosaceae Synonyms: Amygdalus mira. Persica mira.Common Name: Smoothpit Peach. smooth stone peach, smooth-pit peach, Tibetan peach, Local Name: Chulli (चुल्ली), Behmi, Behimi or Tirul Chulli is commonly seen growing at slopes in mixed forests, mountain valleys. open hillsides, ravines, woodland, garden sunny, edge and in dappled shady places in hills of Western Himalayas.. It
Amaranthus tricolor L.- Chaulai (चौलाई)
Family: Amaranthaceae Synonyms: Amaranthus gangeticus, Amarannthus tristis, Amaranthus mangostanus Common Name: Chinese Spinach, Joseph’s-coat Fountain Plant, Tampala , Summer Poinsettia Local Name: Chaulai (चौलाई) , Ghiuoo Chaulai Chaulai is an annual potherb, usually seen growing as a weed in arable land, roadside, garden and in cultivated field. Chaulai is found upto
Bidens tripartite L- Nikampusi (निकम्पुसी)
Family: AsteraceaeSynonyms: Bidens repens, Bidens acuta. Bidens orientalis, Bidens pumilaCommon Name: Three-lobe beggartick, Three-part beggarticks, leafy-bracted beggar ticks or trifid bur-marigoldLocal Name: Nikampusi (निकम्पुसी) Nikampusi is an erect, much-branched annual weed of cultivated land, usually found growing up to an altitude of 1800 m in Western Himalayas. It can grow easily in moderately
Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm.f.) Nakai- Nashpati (नाशपती)
Family: Rosaceae Synonym: Ficus pyrifolia, Pyrus arakiana ,Pyrus asakeensis,Pyrus autumnalis,, Pyrus babauttiagi, Pyrus higoensis, Pyrus incubacea, Pyrus kiushiana,Pyrus kleinhofiana, Pyrus lakuhokuensis, Pyrus lasiogyna, Pyrus lindleyi, Pyrus nehiyamadonis, Pyrus pseudocalleryana, Pyrus pseudouipongensis, Pyrus pyrifolia var. talyschensis, Pyrus saidaeana, Pyrus serotina, Pyrus sinensis, Pyrus sohayakiensis, Pyrus tajimaensis,Pyrus tambana, Pyrus tobisimensis, Pyrus togashiana, Pyrus tsuchiyana,Pyrus tungusiana, Pyrus uipongensis, Pyrus umemurana,.Pyrus uyematsuana,Pyrus yohrohensis. Common name: Asian