Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich- Junglee Mung (जंगली मूंग).
Family: FabaceaeCommon Name: Zombi pea, Wild Mung, Wild cowpeaSynonyms: Dolichos angustifolius, Dolichos cylindricus, Phaseolus quadriflorus, Phaseolus vexillatus, Plectrotropis angustifolia,Plectrotropis hirsute, Strophostyles capensis ovatus, Vigna angustifolia, Vigna crinite, Vigna davyi, Vigna dinteri, Vigna dolichonema, Vigna golungensis, Vigna hirta, Vigna lobatifolia, Vigna phaseoloides, Vigna senegalensis, Vigna thonningii, Vigna tuberosa. Local Name: Janglee Mung (जंगली मूंग). Junglee Mung is a vigorous twining
Hippophae rhamnoides L.- Thermang (थेर्मंग) 
Family: ElaeagnaceaeSynonyms: Elaeagnus rhamnoides, Hippophae littoralis; Hippophae salicifolia sinensis; Rhamnoides hippophae.Common Name: Sea BuckthornLocal Name:Thermang (थेर्मंग), Charma/ Thermang is a spiny, deciduous shrub or small tree, usually growing 1 to 15 metres tall. The Genus name Hippophae of Thermang is derived from two Latin words ‘Hippo’ means Horse and ‘Phae’
Pavetta indica L.- Gandharb-badhadda (गंधरव- बधाड़ा)
Family: RubiaceaeSynonyms: Pavetta alba, Pavetta amabilis, Pavetta assamica,Pavetta bengalensis, Pavetta brunonis, Pavetta cerniflora, Pavetta griffithii, Pavetta neglecta Pavetta obtuse, Pavetta polyneura,Pavetta rothiana, Pavetta thomsonii, Pavetta tomentosglabrescens, Pavetta villosa, Ixora indica,Ixora nunypapata, Ixora paniculata,Ixora pavetta, Ixora roxburghii,Ixora tomentosa glabrescens, Ixora velutina.Common Name: White Pavetta, Indian Pavetta, Indian Pellet ShrubLocal Name: Gandharb-badhadda
Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S.Moore – Lal phulnu ghaa (लाल फुलनू घा)
Family: AsteraceaeSynonyms: Crassocephalum diversifolium,Gynura crepidioides,Gynura diversifolia,Gynura microcephala, Gynura polycephala.Senecio crepidioides.Senecio diversifolius.Common Name: Okinawa SpinachLocal Name: Lal phulnu ghaa (लाल फुलनू घा) Lal phulnu ghaa is a perennial herb of Western Himalaya growing up to 1 metre tall.It is found growing as a weed in waste places, grassland, under trees, abandoned
Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) – Jangli Toot (जंगली तूत)
Family: MoraceaeSynonyms: Broussonetia billardii; Broussonetia cordata; Broussonetia cucullata; Broussonetia dissecta; Broussonetia elegans; Broussonetia kasii; Broussonetia kazi:Broussonetia maculate; Broussonetia nana; Broussonetia navicularis; Broussonetia navifolia; Broussonetia spathulata; Broussonetia tricolor; Morus papyrifera; Papyrius japonica; Papyrius papyrifera; Papyrius polimorphus; Smithiodendron artocarpioideum.Common Name: Paper MulberryLocal Name: Jangli Toot(जंगली तूत) Jangli Toot is a medium to
Boerhavia diffusa L.- Punarnava (पुनर्नवा)
Family: NyctaginaceaeCommon Name: Spreading HogweedSynonyms: Axia cochinchinensis, Boerhavia adscendens, Boerhavia caespitose, Boerhavia ciliatobracteata, Boerhavia coccinea leiocarpa, Boerhavia coccinea paniculata, Boerhavia friesii, Boerhavia paniculata, Boerhavia repens diffusa, Boerhavia xerophila.Local Name: Punarnava(पुनर्नवा) Punarnava is a perennial diffuse herb of Western Himalayas with stout root stock and many procumbent branches. It is widely
Opuntia ficus –indica (L.) Mill – Kabuli chhoonh (काबलीछूंह)
Family: CactaceaeSynonyms: Cactus ficus-indica; Opuntia megacantha; Opuntia paraguayensis.Common Name: Sweet prickly pear, Barbary fig, Cactus pear, Indian fig, Indian fig prickly pear, Indian-fig, Mission cactus, Mission prickly pear, Prickly pear cactus, Prickly-pear, Smooth mountain prickly pear, Smooth prickly pear, Spineless cactus,Local Name: Kabuli chhoonh (काबलीछूंह( Kabuli chhoonh is a frequently
Thymus linearis Benth -Jangali ajwain (जंगली अजवाइन)
Family: LamiaceaeSynonym: Thymus serpyllum, Thymus himalayicus, Thymus himalayicus, Thymus afghanicus, Thymus baluchistanicusCommon Name: Himalayan Thyme, Wild Thyme, Mother of Thyme, Creeping Thyme,Local Name: Jangali ajwain (जंगली अजवाइन) Jangali ajwain which is commonly known as Himalayan Thyme or Mother of Thymeis one ofimportant aromaticplants of Western Himalayas with tremendous medicinal and
Youngia japonica (L.)DC.- Choti Dudhali (छोटी दुधली)
Family: AsteraceaeSynonym: Prenanthes japonica, Crepis japonicaCommon Name: Asiatic or oriental false]hawk’s beard. Japanese HawkweedLocal Name- Choti Duhali (छोटी दुधली) Choti Dudhali is a cosmopolitan edible weed of North Western Himalayas with rich medicinal value. It is commonly seen growing in moist shady places in garden, orchards , waste ground, cultivated fields, roadsides, mountain slopes, mountain valleys,
Polygonatum cirrhifolium (L.)-Salam mishri (सालम मिश्री)
Family– AsparagaceaeSynonym: Convallaria cirrhifoliaCommon Name: Coiling leaf Solomon seal, Coiling leaf Polygonatum Local Name: Salam mishri (सालम मिश्री) Salam mishri is a suberect to erect perennial herb of Western Himalayas commonly found growing as a forest undergrowth between an altitudinal range pf 1800-3200m. It usually prefers a fertile humus rich soil in moisture retentive, well-drained cool shady or semi-shady habitat. Salam mishri grows in forests at