Equisetum arvense L.- Nali ( नली), Dandli.
Family: EquisetaceaeSynonyms: Equisetum calderi. Equisetum saxicola Equisetum arvense subsp. Boreale,Equisetum arvense subsp. Ramulosum,Equisetum arvense var. Arcticum,Equisetum arvense var. campestre.Equisetum arvense var. Ramulosum.Equisetum boreale,Equisetum. calderi, Equisetum campestre Equisetum saxicola.Common Name: Field Horsetail, Common Horsetail, bottlebrush, foxtail, jointed rush, horse pipes, mare’s tail, snake grass.Local Name: Nali (नली ), Dandli. Nali is a herbaceous perenial plant (fern) of Western Himalayas with hollow, jointed stems containing large amounts of silica and silicic acids. It is a cosmopolitan fern
Urena lobata (L.)- Badi-dredae (बड़ी दरीडे)
Family: Malvaceae Common Name: Bur Mallow Synonym: U. cana, U. palmata.U americana, U. grandiflora U. reticulata, U. trilobata Local Name: Badi–dredae (बड़ी दरीडे) Badi-dredae is a herbaceous annual to perennial plant of Western Himalayas commonly seen growing as a weed in fallow fields, wastelands, scrub, forest and roadsides, up to an altitude of 2000m. It is more frequent on
Clinopodium vulgare (L.)-Jangali Tulsi (जंगली तुलसी)
Family: LamiaceaeSynonym: Calamintha clinopodium, Clinopodium vulgarisCalamintha vulgaris, Clinopodium vulgare var. neogaea, Satureja vulgaris, Satureja vulgaris var. diminuta, Satureja vulgaris var. neogaeaCommon Name: Wild Basil,Cushion Calamint, Dog mintLocal Name: Jangali Tulsi (जंगली तुलसी) Jangali Tulsi is an herbaceous short perennial of Western Himalayas that can live for more than two years. It grows well in variety of habitat like dry grassy places along banks and
Drymaria cordata (L.)-Padyala (पडयाला), Kharish-gulab
Family: Caryophyllaceae Synonyms: Holosteum cordatum,Cerastium cordifolium, Drymaria diandra, D. cordata sensu, D. cordata subsp. diandra.D. extensa, Stellaria adenophora, Drymaria procumbens, Alsine rotundifolia. Common Name: Tropical Chickweed, chickweed, drymaria, heartleaf drymary, West Indian chickweed Local ame: Padyala (पडयाला), Kharish-gulab. Padyala is a herbaceous annual of Western Himalayas quite frequently seen growing in cultivated land, grassland,
Prunus cerasoides var. majestica (Buch. -Ham.ex D. Don))- Paja (पाजा)
Family: RosaceaeSynonym: P. puddum, P. cerasoides, P. sylvatica, Cerasus puddum, C. phoshia.Common Name: Himalayan Wild Cherry, Bird Cherry.Local Name: Paja (पाजा) Paja is a medium to large sized deciduous tree of Western Himalayas, that can grow up to 30 metres tall. Unlike other members of this family paja is in full bloom in autumn (October to November)
Pinus gerardiana (Wall. ex D. Don)- Neoza (नेऊजा),Chilgoza
Family: PinaceaeSynonyms: Pinus gerardii, Pinus neosa, Pinus chilgoza, Pinus aucklandiiCommon Name: Chilgoza Pine Local Name: Neoza (नेऊजा), Chilgoza. Neoza is an evergreen coniferous tree of Western Himalayas restricted to mountain ranges of India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. It’s plant is with a deep, wide and open crown comprising long, erect branches. It is found growing on sunny,
Taxus contorta Griff.-Rakhal (रखाल)
Family: TaxaceaeSynonyms: Taxus fuana,Taxus wallichiana subsp. contorta.Taxus Baccata subsp. WallichianaCommon name: Yew,West Himalayan yew, Local Name: Rakhal (रखाल) Rakhal is a medium to large sized tree of Western Himalayas found growing in forest, road-side, sunny edges, dappled shade and shady revrine up to an altitude of 2000 to 3500m. It is generally middle sized, but some times grows very large, with
Eruca sativa Mill.- Taarameera (तारामीरा)
Family: BrassicaceaeSynonyms: Brassica eruca, Brassica erucoides, Brassica erucoides, Brassica lativalvis,Brassica pinnatifida, Brassica turgida, Brassica uechtritziana, Brassica vesicaria, Crucifera eruca,Eruca aurea, Eruca cappadocica, Eruca deserti, Eruca drepanensis, Eruca eruca, Eruca foetida, Eruca glabrescens Eruca grandiflora, Eruca lanceolata,Eruca latirostris, Eruca longirostris, Eruca longistyla Eruca oleracea, Eruca orthosepala, Eruca permixta, Eruca pinnatifida, Eruca ruchetta , Eruca sativa, Eruca
Citrus jambhiri Lush.- Jhamirdi (झमीरडी), jambiri, jambheri, jatti khatti, khatti.
Family: RutaceaeCommon Name: Rough LemonLocal Names: Jhamirdi (झमीरडी), jambiri, jambheri, jatti khatti, khatti. Jhamirdi is a medium to large, spreading tree of Western Himalaya found growing wild along the roadways, pathways, margins of fields, hill slopes and other sunny habitat. It is found upto an altitude of 1200 m in
Citrus pseudolimon Tanaka- Galgal (गलगल), Khtta.
Family: RutaceaeSynonyms: Citrus penivesiculata, Citrus reticulataCommon Name: Galgal, Khtta, Hill lemon.Local Name:Galgal (गलगल), Khtta. Galgal is a medium sized wild or semi-wild fruit of Western Himalayas found growing along roadsides, pathways, hill margins and field edges up to an altitude of 3000 m in the hill states of Jammu and