Bidens pilosa L- Goomaru (गूमरु), Badi gambari.
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family)Synonyms: Bidens orientalis, Bidens minor, Bidens leucantha Bidens leucanthemusCommon name: black-jack, beggar-ticks, cobbler’s pegs, sticky beaks,farmer’s friendsand Spanish needle Local Name: Goomaru (गूमरु), Badi gambari. Goomaru is a easy to grow cosmopolitan annual or perennial herb of Western Himalayas. It is commonly seen growing upto an altitude of 2500 meter. Plant
Russula delica Fr.-Matcho (मटेचो)
Family: Russulaceae Synonym: Agaricus exsuccus, Agaricus vellereus. Agaricus piperatus Common Name: Milk-white brittlegill. Milk-white Russula. Local Name: Matcho(मटेचो) Matcho is amycorrhizal fungus, growing solitary, scattered and sometimes gregariously on terrestrial habitat in coniferous forest. It is one of the largest mushrooms in the genus Russula. It is mostly seen growing
Solanum nigrum L.- Patkayai (पटकाई),Ghayanii
Family: Solanaceae Common Name: Black Nightshade, Common Nightshade, Poisonberry. Synonym: Solanum dilleniid, Solanum vulgare, Solanum decipiens. Local Name: Patkayai (पटकाई), Kakmachi, Makoi, Ghayanii. Patkayai commonly seen growing as a weed along edges of cultivated areas, roadside, garden and in waste lands all across Western Himalayas. It succeeds well in most
Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers – Gulje (गुलजे)
Family: Menispermaceae Synonyms: Tinospora verrucose, Cocculus cordifolius, Menispermum cordifolium Common Name(s): Amrita, Duyutige, Gado, Gal o, Giloe, Giloya, Guduchi, Gulancha, Heartleaf moonseed, Teppatige, Tinofend Guduchi, Giloy Local Name: Gulje (गुलजे) Gulje is a large, deciduous, perennial climbing shrub of western Himalaya with a weak and fleshy stem. It twins as a vine
Galinsoga parviflora Cav.- Peepali (पीपली), Padini-gha.
Family: AsteraceaeSynonyms: Galinsoga hirsute, Galinsoga laciniate, Adventina parviflora Common Name: Gallant SoldierLocal name(s); Peepali (पीपली). Padini-gha. Peepali is a slender, annual herb commonly seen growing in wastelands, cultivated land, waste places, disturbed soils, orchards, gardens, lawns, and roadsides, up to an altitude of 2000 m in Western Himalayas. It grows
Commelina communis L- Chura (छुरा)
Family: Commelinaceae Synonym: Commelina paludosa, Commelina polygama. Commelina vulgaris, Commelina coreana. Common Name: Day Flower, Asiatic dayflower, Local Name: Chura (छुरा) Chura is an erect or decumbent herb, may be annual or perennial depending upon habitat where it grows. Plant is annual if dry spell extends for long duration
Amaranthus spinosus L. – Kanta Chaulayee (कांटा चौलाई), Badi chareli
Family: AmaranthaceaeSynonyms: Acistoma coccineum, Grislea punctate, Amaranthus caracasanus,Amaranthus diacanthus,Galliaria spinosa,Galliaria spitosa.Common Name: Spiny Amaranth, Spiny Pigweed, Prickly Amaranth or Thorny Amaranth,Local Name: Kanta Chulayee (कांटा चौलाई), Badi chareli Kanta chulayee is an erect, profusely branched annual herb of Western Himalayas. People harvest it from wild habitat for their local use as a
Euphorbia heterophylla L- Khabad dudhia (खाबड़ दूधिया)
Family; Euphorbiaceae Common name; Wild poinsettia Synonym: Euphorbia geniculate, Poinsettia heterophylla Local name: Khabad dudhia ( खाबड़ दूधिया ) Khabad dudhia is a sparsely-branched, annual weed with copius latex. Plant is found upto an altitude of 1000 meter. Sometimes plant is also grown as an ornamental plant in different
Celosia argentea L- Choti phool (चोटी फूल).
Family: Amaranthaceae Synonyms: Celosia japonica, Celosia stricta, Celosia plumose. Common Name: Silver Cockscomb, White Cockscomb, Flamingo Feathers, Wheat Celosia. Local Name: Choti phool (चोटी फूल), Bithu. Choti phool is a annual herb. It is seen growing growing in arable lands, as a weed of cultivation, in harvested fields and wastelands up to
Silene conoidea L.- Takli (तकली), Dhudu Chana, Jangli Chana.
Family: CaryophyllaceaeSynonyms: Conosilene conica, Cucubalus conoideus, Conosilene conoldea Common name: Bladder Campion, Maidens tears. weed silene, large sand catchflyLocal Name: Takli (तकली), Dhudu Chana, Jangli Chana. Takli is annual herbaceous plant of Western Himalaya known for its attractive pink flowers. Itis commonly seen growing along roadside, grassy slopes and cultivated