Vicia hirsuta (L.) Gray—Chhoti Roadi (छोटी रोड़ी), Chhoti Kaer.
Family: Fabaceae Synonyms: Cracca hirsuta, C. minor, Endiusa hirsuta, Ervilia hirsuta, Ervilia vulgaris, Ervum filiforme, Ervum hirsutum, Ervum sardoum, Ervum terronii, Vicia coreana, V. meyeri, V. mitchellii, V. parviflora, V. taquetii, V. terronii, and Vicioides hirsuta Common Names: Tiny vetch, hairy vetch, hairy tare Local Name: Chhoti Roadi(छोटी रोड़ी), Chhoti Kaer. Chhoti Roadi is an annual, herbaceous trailing or climbing vine with branching stems. Its leaves
Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz- Dhave (धावे)
Family: LythraceaeSynonyms: Woodfordia tomentosa (Roxb.) Bedd. Acistoma coccineum Zipp. ex Span. Grislea punctata Buch.-Ham. ex Sm. Common Name: Fire-Flame bush Local Name: Dhave (धावे), Dhoth Dhave is an evergreen shrub growing on open, sunny habitats like landslips, disturbed soils, agricultural land, waste land and degraded place. Plant is very common up to an altitude of 1800
Euphorbia hirta L- Dudhi(दूधी), Sheiru
Family: Euphorbiaceae Synonym: Euphorbia.pilulifera Common name: Asthma weed, Tawa-Tawa Local name: Dudhi(दूधी), Sheiru Dudhi is a annual hairy herb of Western Himalayas. It is widely growing herb of mid -hill region and occur in open grasslands, roadsides and pathways of warmer parts of Western Himalayas. up to an altitudinal
Vicia sativa L.- Roadi (रोड़ी), Bada Kaer, Roothi.
family: Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Synonyms: Vicia bacla. Vicia communis. Vicia glabra. Vicia nemoralis Common name: Tare, Garden Vetch, Spring Vetch, Narrw-leaved Vetch Local name: Roadi (रोड़ी), Bada Kaer, Roothi Roadi plant is an annual short-lived herbaceous vine of late winter or early spring season. It is a common weed of crops, wetlands,
Taraxacum officinale We(L.) Weber ex F.H. Wigg – Laung (लौंग), snowball (स्नौबौल), Dudhali, Ghadi phool
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae (Aster) Synonym: Leontodon taraxacum L. araxacum dens-leonis Desf. Common Name(s): Dandelion,lion’s tooth, Pissenlit, Priest’s crown, Puffball. Local Name: Laung (लौंग), snowball (स्नौबौल), Dudhali, Kaadavi Sunaehari. Sihanparni. Ghadi phool. Laung plant is a perennial scapigerous, milky herb commonly found in temperate regions of Western Himalayas from 300m to 5500m. It can
Urtica dioica L _ Koogas (कूगस, कूगसी, बिच्छू बूटी)
Family Urticaceae Common name: Stinging nettle, common nettle, stinging nettle or nettle leaf, nettle. stinger, Local name: Koogas (कूगस, कूगसी बिच्छू बूटी) There are three plants called by the same name koogas, koogasi and Bichoo buti in Himachal Pradesh, but identified by three different botanical names viz. Urtica dioica, Urtica parviflora
Dioscorea spp. _ Dareghal (दरेघल)
Family: Dioscoreaceae Local name: Dareghal (दरेघल) Dareghal is a common plant represented by two different species in distt, Mandi of Himachal Pradesh. Both are used as a vegetable. One species is found growing in mid to high-hills of Western Himalayas. It appears that there is a large variation
Chenopodiun album L _ Bathu (बाथू).Kadon(कड़ों)
Family: Chenopodiaceae Common name: Lamb’s quarter, white goosefoot, wild spinach Local name: Bathu (बाथू) ,Kadon (कड़ों) Bathu is a fast-growing seasonal weed appearing during summer months. It is especially common at those places which are rich in organic matter e.g. in the vicinity of cowsheds and around manure pits. It
Flemingia procumbens Roxb.-Kujjee(कुज्जी)
Family:FabaceaeSynonyms: Flemingia vestita, Maughania vestita, M. procumbensCommon Name: Soh-PhlongLocal Name: Kujjee कुज्जी) Kujjee is a herbaceous annual to perennial plant of Western Himalayas commonly seen growing on mountains slopes between an altitudinal range of 1700 to 3000m. It grows best in well drained sunny to partially shady habitat.Being the member of Fabaceae it has nodules in the roots for
Rumex hastatus Moench_ Khat malori (खट मलोरी),Aambi.
Family: Polygonaceae Synonyms: Rumex dissectus Common Name: Arrowleaf Dock , Heartwing sorrel,Local name: Khat malori (खट मलोरी), Aambi. Khat malori is perennial herb. Plant found growing in Western Himalayas upto an elevation of 2300 metres above sea level. It is very hardy plant and can grow even on poorest soils and