Moringa oleifera Lam.-Soonani (सूननी)
Family: MoringaceaeSynonyms: Guilandina moringa. Hyperanthera moringa. Moringa moringa. Moringa pterygospe Common name: Horseradish Tree, Drumstick tree, Moringa. Local name: Soonani (सूननी) Soonani is a fast growing, drought resistant tree in tropical areas of Western Himalayas. It has a open crown of drooping branches and tripinnate leaves. Soonani grows wild in
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.- Brahmi (ब्राह्मी), Katorni, Ghodsumbi, Surpmukhi.
Family: Apiaceae Synonym: Centella coriacea, Hydrocotyle asiatica. Common Name: Gotu Kola, Mandukaparni, Manduk Parani, Mandukig, Marsh Penny ,Indian Pennywort Local Name: Brahmi (ब्राह्मी), Katorni, Ghodsumbi,Surpmukhi. Brahmi is perennial. small, evergreen trailing herb. Although plant is an evergreen perennial, but it can be killed off in extreme cold winters. So, in
Ficus racemosa L.- Umre (ऊमरे)
Family: Moraceae Synonym: Ficus glomerata, Covellia glomerata.Common name: Cluster fig tree, Indian fig tree or goolar (gular) fig. Local name: Umre ( ऊमरे). Umre plant is an evergreen or deciduous tree. It is large in size, trunk deeply buttressed and often with an irregular canopy. Umre is commonly seen in open, deciduous forest, moist
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill – Bhursalae (भूरसाले)
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae (Aster) Synonym: Sonchus oleraceus, Sonchus ferox. Common Names: Blue sow-thistle, prickly sow thistle, rough sow thistle, spiny sow thistle, spiny-leaved sow thistle. Local Name: Bhursalae (भूरसाले). Bhursalae is a herbaceous annual or occasionally biennial, disseminated by wind-dispersed seed. It is quite common in cultivated lands and field margins,
Cirsium arvense (L .) Scop.- Chiuli (च्युली)
Family: Asteraceae/Composite Common Names: Creeping Thistle, Canada thistle. field thistle. Synonyms: Carduus arvensis, Carduus arvensis, Cirsium incanum, Cirsium setosum,Serratula arvensis. Local Name: Chiuli (च्युली). Chiuli is a rhizomatous very fast-growing perennial plant that is in bloom from March to August. It grows in a variety of habitats like open
Zanthoxylum armatum DC. – Tirmire (तिरमीरे), Tomer,Tirmiru
Family: Rutaceae. Synonyms: Zanthoxylun alatum planispinum, Zanthoxylum alatum subtrifoliatum. Common Name: Winged prickly ash. Local Name: Tirmire (तिरमीरे),Tomer,Tirmiru Tirmire plant is a spiny perennial. It is deciduous or evergreen, aromatic, shrub or small tree. Plant grows well in open slopes, pasture, rock ledges, rain forests, woodland garden, sunny edge and
Oxalis corniculata L.- Malori (मलोरी), Khhati-Meethi, Khat- malori.
Family: Oxalidaceae Synonym: Oxalis repens Thunb, Oxalis pusilla Salish, Oxalis villosa Bieb, Oxalis foliosa Blatt. Common Name:Creeping woodsorrel,Procumbent yellow sorrel.Sleeping beauty. Local Name: Malori (मलोरी) Khhati-Meethi, Khat- malori. Malori is a very easily grown hairy, annual plant with trailing stem and trifoliate leaves. Plant prefers well-drained moist or dry open
Asparagus adscendens (Roxb.) Kunth -Sansarpali (सनसरपाली),
Family: Asparagaeae Synonyms: Asparagopsis adscendens, Protasparagus adscendens.Common Name: Shatawari,Safed musli. Local Name: Sansarpali (सनसरपाली), Sansarbuti. Sansarpali is an evergreen perennial shrub, which remain green throughout the year. Plant generally prefers well-drained moist soil and can grow in semi-shade also. Sansarpali is usually found throughout India and naturally occurs in forests
Lathyrus aphaca L.- Sudu(सुडू), Matar- phali
Family: FabaceaeSynonyms: Orobus aphaca. Common name: Yellow vetching, Wild Pea, Yellow flower Pea Local Name: Sudu (सुडू), Matar- phali Sudu is a trailing or scrambling annual herb, which grows best in semi- moist habitat like arable land. waysides, roadsides, hill margins, gardens and slopes. It is mostly found in cultivated
Vicia hirsuta (L.) Gray—Chhoti Roadi (छोटी रोड़ी), Chhoti Kaer.
Family: Fabaceae Synonyms: Cracca hirsuta, C. minor, Endiusa hirsuta, Ervilia hirsuta, Ervilia vulgaris, Ervum filiforme, Ervum hirsutum, Ervum sardoum, Ervum terronii, Vicia coreana, V. meyeri, V. mitchellii, V. parviflora, V. taquetii, V. terronii, and Vicioides hirsuta Common Names: Tiny vetch, hairy vetch, hairy tare Local Name: Chhoti Roadi(छोटी रोड़ी), Chhoti Kaer. Chhoti Roadi is an annual, herbaceous trailing or climbing vine with branching stems. Its leaves