Solanum erianthum D. Don- Rada (रडा ). Trikhada, Akra, Ban Tamakhu
Family: SolanaceaeSynonym: Solanum adulterinum, Solanum verbascifolium Common name: Big Eggplant, Mullein Nightshade, China flowerleaf, Potato tree, Wild Tobacco treeLocal name: Rada (रडा ), Trikhada, Akra, Ban Tamakhu Rada is 3- 6m tall, shrub of Western Himalayas bearing dense, stellate tomentum covering on flowers. That’s might be the reason that species name erianthum is given to this plant. The specific epithet, erianthum, is derived from
Justicia adhatoda L.- Basuti (बसूटी)
Family: AcanthaceaeSynonyms: Adhatoda adhatoda, Adhatoda arborea, Adhatoda vasica,Adhatoda zeylanica,Dianthera latifolia,Ecbolium adhatoda, Ecbolium latifolium Gendarussa adhadota Common Name: Malabar Nut TreeLocal Name: Basuti (बसूटी) Basuti is a tall, much-branched, dense and evergreen shrub of Western Himalayas with large, lance-shaped leaves. It bears white flowers with sweet nectar at base, unpleasant smell and
Malvaviscus penduliflorus Mocino & Sesse ex DC.-Dhadoonj(धढून्ज) Laal phool (लालफूल)
Family: Malvaceae Synonym: Malvaviscus arboreus Cav. Var. penduliflorus, Malvaviscus longifoliusCommon name: Pendulous Sleeping Hibiscus, Turk’s cap mallowLocal name: Dhadoonj, Laal phool(लाल फूल) Dhadoonj is a shrub or small deciduous tree of Western Himalayas that can grow upto 5-10 metres tall. It can grow as wide as tall. Genus name of Dhadoonj comes
Saurauia napaulensis DC.- Gugna (गुगना)
Family: Actinidiaceae (Kiwifruit family)Common Name: GoganLocal Name: Gugna (गुगना) Gugna is a small to medium sized tree of Western Himalayas It is occasionally seen growing in forest, thickets,roadsides and hill slopes up to an altitude. of 2500m. Gugna grows best in well drained partial shade to sunny habitat. It is propagated further through seeds. Ripe fruits of Gugna are sugary, sweet and edible. They are usually eaten
Ficus semicordata Buch.-Ham. ex Sm.- Choti Debre ( छोटी डेब्रे), Bhui Uoomre (भुईउमरे),
Family: Moraceae (Mulberry family)Synonyms: Covellia conglomerata,Covellia cunia,Covellia inaequiloba, Ficus conglomerata, Ficus cuneata,Ficus cunia,Ficus hapalophylla,Tremotis cordata.Common Name: Wedgeleaf FigLocal Name: Choti Debre (छोटी देब्रे), Bhui Uoomre (भुईउमरे) Choti Debre is a multipurpose small to medium sized tree of Western Himalaya bearing a flat, spreading, umbrella-like crown. It is commonly seen growing on rocky
Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub- Plah (प्लाह).Palash
Family: FabaceaeSynonyms: Butea frondosa,Erythrina monosperma,Phaso monosperma.Common Name: Bastard Teak, Butea Gum, Flame of Forest, Battle of Plassey tree, Bengal kino, Palas tree, Parrot tree.Local Name: Plah (प्लाह).Palash, Plah is a slow-growing small to medium-sized, deciduous tree of Western Himalayas found growing up to an altitude of 1500m. It is a
Spondias pinnata(L.f.) Kurz- Ambuara (अबुआडा), Ambade.
Family: AnacardiaceaeSynonyms: Mangifera pinnata, Poupartia pinnata, Spondias acuminata; Spondias amara; Spondias mangifera;Tetrastigma megalocarpum.Common Name: AmbraLocal Name: Ambuara (अबुआडा), Ambade.Ambara Ambuara is a Medium sized, mild deciduous tree that can grow up to 25 to 40 metres tall. Ithas been part of the human diet since time immemorial. Its fruits are
Buddleja asiatica Lour.-Neemda(नीमदा)
Family: BuddleiaceaeSynonyms: Buddleja asiatica Buddleja arfakensis, Buddleja discolor, Buddleja neemdaCommon Name: White Dog Tail, White Butterfly bush, Chinese White Butterfly bush.Local Name: Neemda (नीमदा). Neemda is an evergreen,1to 3 m tall shrub of Western Himalayas bearing flowers with a pleasant odour. It is commonly seen growing upto an altitude of 1500m along roadsides, pathways, shrublands and ravines on open slopes. Neemda requires a well drained sunny habitat with loamy soil for optimum
Callicarpa macrophyllaVahi-Dahin mangal(दही मंगल), Sans, Priyangu
Family: Verbenaceae.Synonym: Callicarpa dunniana, Callicarpa incanaCommon name: Perfumed Cherry. Beauty berryLocal Name: Dahin mangal (दही मंगल), Sans, Priyangu Dahin mangal is an evergreen to subdeciduous shrub or small tree of western Himalaya found growing upto an altitude of 1800m. It is commonly seen growing in waste areas and roadsides specially
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. ex DC.- Bhangru (भांगरु)
Family: AmaranthaceaeSynonyms: Alternanthera denticulate, Alternanthera nodiflora, Alternanthera repens, Alternanthera triandra, Gomphrena sessilis, Illecebrum sessile Common Name: Stalk less Joyweed, sessile joyweed, Dwarf copperleaf, Joyweed,Periquito Sessil.Local Name: Bhangru ( भांगरु ) Bhangru is an erect, ascending or creeping herbaceous annual to perennial plant of Western Himalayas. It shows luxuriant growth and quite