Senna occidentalis (L) Link _ Badi yelo (बड़ी येलो)
Family: Fabaceae Synonyms: Cassia caroliniana, Cassia ciliate, Cassia laevigata, Cassia occidentalis Common name: Coffee senna, coffee weed. Local name: Badi yelo (बड़ी येलो) Badi yelo is a annual under shrub or a short lived perennial plant of Western Himalayas. It can be seen growing upto an altitude of 1500 metres. Plant
Diplazium esculentum (Retz.) Sw _ Lingad (लिंगड़)
Family: AthyrioideaeSynonym: Anisogonium esculentum, Asplenium ambiguum, Asplenium esculentumAthyrium esculentum, Callipteris ambigua, Callipteris esculenta, Digrammaria esculenta, Diplazium malabaricum, Hemionitis esculenta,Microstegia esculenta, Common name: Vegetable fern, Local name: Lingad (लिंगड़) . Lingad, which is a fern, is one of the most popular wild growing food plants of Himachal Pradesh. It is eaten
Phytolacca acinosa Roxb _ Jharka (झरका)
Family: Phytolaccaceae Common name: Himayan pokeberry, Indian pokeberry Local name: Jharka (झरका) In some of the books on Indian plants, Phytolica acinosa, is reported to grow on places having a very wide climatic range, even at an elevation of 500 m. There seems to be some confusion in identification of
Nasturtium officinale W.T. Aiton _ Chhooch (छूछ)
Family: Crucifereae Common name: Water cress Local name: Chhooch (छूछ) Chhoochh grows wild among ditches, pools and margins of shallow streams. It can be seen upto an elevation of 2100 metres in Himalayas. Chhoochh is prepared as a vegetable. As chhoochh grows only along water channels or sides of ponds,
Momordica dioica Roxb. ex Willd. _ Jangli Karela (जंगली करेला ), Ban karela (बन करेला).
Family: Cucurbitaceae Synonym: Momordica hispida Local name: Jangli Karela (जंगली करेला ), Ban karela (बन करेला). The climbing vines of jangli karela can be seen growing wild on hedges and small shrubs all over Himachal Pradesh upto an elevation of 1200 metres. It scrambles over the ground and also climb
Indigofera atropurpurea DC _ Kathi (काथी)
Family: Fabaceae Synonyms: Indigofera cavaleriei.Common Name: Deep-Purple IndigoLocal Name: Kathi (काथी) Shrubs of kathi can be seen growing from 300 to 1900 metres above mean sea level. This plant grows as scrub, mostly on mountains, sparse forests, grasslands near trail sides or streams. The growth of this plant is the best
Ficus roxburghii Wall_ Taryambal (तर्याम्बल), Timbal, Tremal, Trembal, Taryambalu.
Family: Moraceae Synonyms: Ficus auriculata, Ficus macrophylla. Common name: Elephant ear fig tree. ocal Names: Taryambal (तर्याम्बल), Timbal, Tremal, Trembal, Taryambalu. Taryambal is a very commonly growing tree in the mid-hills of Himachal upto an elevation of 1700 m. Its trees can be seen growing wild in forests, village common lands, cultivated fields,
Ficus palmata Forssk.subsp.virgata(Roxb) _ Fegra (फेगड़ा), khasra (खसरा), daghla (दाघला).
Family: Moraceae Synonyms: F. caricoides F. virgataCommon names: Wild fig, wild Himalayan fig Local names: Fegra (फेगड़ा), khasra (खसरा), daghla (दाघला). Fegra trees are of common occurrence throughout the mid hill region upto an elevation of 1550 metres. Besides Himachal Pradesh, this plant also grows in areas having similar climate
Ficus hispida L.f _ Debre (डेबरे )
Family: Moraceae Synonyms: Covellia hispida, Ficus oppositifolia, Covellia oppositifoliaEnglish name: Hairy Fig Local name: Debre (डेबरे ) Debre trees grow wild in mid hills of Himachal Pradesh upto an elevation of 1100 metres above sea level. Debra plants are mostly seen growing along the water streams, forest edges, and open spaces along
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn _ Lingdu (लिंगडू)
Family: Ploypodiaceae Synonym: Eupteris aquiline, Pteridium latiusculum, Pteridium pinetorum, Pteris aquiline, Pteris capensis, Pteris decomposita, Pteris lanuginose,Pteris latiuscula.Common name: No name in English but an edible fern quite similar to lingadu in appearance and taste growing in America is called fiddlehead fern and bracken fern in other parts of world.